Digital Productivity System™ Print

The Purposetoo_much_spam

The Digital Productivity System is designed to provide a centrally-understood system for filing and retrieving electronic information in three locations:

  1. Individual computer files
  2. Network computer files
  3. Archived computer files

The Process

The process involves determining if the software currently being used can accommodate the desired outcome, including contact management and e-mail programs. If it will, then we develop a methodology for using the existing tools, and train the users. If it does not, we will work with the client to identify appropriate solutions, along with methodology and training.

The Payoff

Your organization will have a centrally-understood filing system for all electronic documents, which will enable anyone to find the information they need regardless of who created it.

Requirements for electronic file storage will be significantly reduced because of the decreased redundancy.

Contact us today and find out more about the Digital Productivity System™!

Used with permission. © 2005 - 2009 Paper Tiger Productivity Institute.  All trademarks and registrations are the property of Barbara Hemphill.