Paper Productivity System™ Print

white_flagThe Purpose

The Paper Productivity System is designed to provide a centrally-understood system for filing and retrieving physical resources (files, binders, notebooks, CDs, photographs, etc.) from three locations:

  1. Individual offices
  2. Central files shared by the team
  3. Archives

The Process

messy_file_cabinetsThis service requires the use of iProductive Environment Platform™ (iPEP) which allows multiple people to share the same physical information through the use of a keyword search. We will work with the client to customize iProductive Environment Platform™ (iPEP) to meet their specific needs, create a system to handle all new resources, develop a method for transferring old files to the new system, and train employees.


The Payoff

By searching on a keyword, the user will be directed to the location of the physical file, shelf, box, etc. where the resource is located. As a result of this service, every employee will be able to retrieve any physical resource in the organization in five seconds.

Contact us today and find out more about the Paper Productivity System™!

Used with permission. © 2005 - 2009 Paper Tiger Productivity Institute.  All trademarks and registrations are the property of Barbara Hemphill.