5 Steps to Organizing Your Home-Based Business Print E-mail

Some of the benefits of owning a home-based business include increased flexibility, reduced commute time, and financial savings. Some of these same benefits can also lead to new challenges.

While running the company allows you more control, managing all of the business functions from marketing to accounting to administrative can prove to be a lot to juggle. In addition to all of the "balls" in the air, the increased flexibility and reduced accountability lead to time management challenges. For self-employment to be successful, organization is a must. Follow these five steps to better organize your home-based business:

  1. home officeDedicate Space - Regardless of whether you have a separate room, a closet, or a small corner, you need to dedicate a location in your home to be your office. In this space, include a work area, computer, file storage, and a comfortable chair. This dedicated space helps you focus on your business and stick to a schedule. When it is time to "go to work", you have a spot where you can go to focus.

  2. Set a Schedule - Often the much anticipated flexibility of self-employment ends up being one of the biggest challenges. Without structure in your day, it is so easy to get distracted and waste the day away. When creating your schedule, set start and end times, and create blocks of time for your different business functions. Make sure to leave "unstructured" time in your calendar for the unexpected tasks that are sure to arise. This structure will maximize your productivity when you are working, and ensure that you are not working 24/7.

  3. Outsource - Determine what tasks you either dislike or aren't any good at and outsource them. This allows you to spend more time doing what you like and are good at. Often the financial commitment deters people from outsourcing, but it usually more than pays for itself. By hiring a specialist to help with a particular function, it is more efficient and effective. When you try to do these tasks, you often waste time procrastinating and are relatively inefficient.

  4. action fileUse An Action File - An Action File is a desktop file box containing folders 1-31 for the days of the current month and January - December for the next twelve months. This is a great tool to organize your papers that require action. These are typically the papers that pile up on your desktop. An Action File not only helps to remove the piles of paper, but it also keeps you focused on what you need to do today. You can create your own folders or contact Organized Office Solutions to order a set.

  5. Organize Your Files - Lastly, create a filing system for your papers that you want to keep for future reference. Being able to find papers when you need them prevents a costly waste of time.
Follow these five steps to organize your home-based business for success.

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